State Convention Fees
While a few details are being finalized for Convention 2017 rates, New York FFA is proud to offer opportunities at similar rates to Convention 2016.
Registration costs include meals for students and adults.
Type Includes Amount
Chapter fee Convention registration $25
Student full registration 6 meals, access to convention sessions, CDE/LDEs, workshops
& tours $75 **Does NOT include Wednesday dinner, Thursday breakfast or lunch
Student 1 day registration 2 meals, access to convention sessions, CDE/LDEs, workshops
& tours $45
Off-campus lodging/meals 4 meals, access to convention sessions, CDE/LDEs, workshops
& tours $63
Wednesday dinner Pre-ordered dinner $9.50
Thursday breakfast Pre-ordered breakfast $5.50
Thursday lunch Pre-ordered lunch $9
Advisor/chaperone full 6 meals, access to convention sessions, CDE/LDEs, workshops & tours registration $75
** Does NOT include Wednesday dinner, Thursday breakfast or lunch
Advisor/chaperone 1 day 2 meals, access to convention sessions, CDE/LDEs, workshops & tours registration $45
One-day Guest registration 1 meal and access to convention sessions $20
Vendor registration 2 meals and access to convention sessions $45
Extra meal One additional meal (Ideal for guests or students registering for a $15
single session who will need two meals.
Convention T-shirt Pre-ordered convention T-shirt at time of registration for $6
students, advisors and guests.
Post-registration T-shirt T-shirt for students, advisors and guests. $10
Jerrod Niemann concert ticket This is an optional event that is open to teachers, students, $15
parents, chaperones, and guests. First come first served.
After registration deadline of April 3, 2017 ticket price will
increase to $30 per ticket. This event is for entertainment purposes only.